The guidance program of DCC focuses on the individual student.
Philosophy of DCC Guidance and Counseling Program
The guidance program of DCC focuses on the individual student as a unique human being endowed with potentials that he or she must maximize in a progressive and proactive way in order to become a happy, healthy and productive member of the community and society.
The guidance approach is collaborative, progressive and holistic taking into consideration Carl Roger’s strong belief in the positive nature of human beings that every person possesses the capacity to improve himself or herself.
Guidance and counseling is considered as an integral part of the educational process and should be provided to all students in the school without discrimination because from time to time everyone needs assistance in making decisions and determining the right course of action.
As part of the educational process, the guidance and counseling program is dynamic and proactive which readily accepts and adopts changes in the current system of education.
General Objective
The general objective of the guidance program is to provide a holistic approach in helping the students develop in all aspects of growth and maturity in adherence to the vision and mission of the school.
Specific Objectives
The guidance program aims to:
Guidance services are designed and implemented for the purpose of helping individual learners achieve their full potential for growth and development in order to become the persons they are capable of being. Each service is concerned with human growth and development and can be provided more effectively through a team approach involving not only the guidance counselors but also the teachers, administrators, parents, learners and significant others in the students’ environment.
This service is the heart and center of all guidance services designed to help each student attain maximum self-realization and development in order to become a fully integrated, mature and responsible person. Areas of counseling may be academic, career, personal or social in nature and may focus on one’s personality, attitude, emotions values and actual behavior.
Counseling may be done individually or by groups. Group counseling sessions are conducted for students with common problems. It serves as an avenue for deeper self-understanding and self-acceptance through the help of peers. It is a social experience that deals with developmental problems and attitudes of individuals. Resolutions are made in order to accomplish specific goals.
The counseling service is for ALL students. It helps the individual come to an awareness of his or her strengths, weaknesses, skills, knowledge, feeling and values. Counselors are concerned with helping individuals make changes which allow them to maximize their potential and play significant and productive roles in their environment.
1. Individual Counseling. It is a one-on-one counseling wherein the counselor engages in a face-to-face interaction with one counselee at a time.
2. Group Counseling. It is a type of counseling on a group setting wherein the counselor meets with several counselees, usually 6 to 8 clients. In the setting, the members are relatively homogenous, particularly in regard to having a common purpose, interest or background.
Types of Counseling Interviews:
3. Routine Interview
Routine interview is an annual interview wherein the foundation of rapport is built. A close relationship of trust must be established between the students and the counselor. Routine interview is important not only in establishing rapport but it also serves as a springboard for future counseling. It must be done at least once a year for all new and transferee students to check on their adjustment to the new school.
Routine interview should be done to let the students understand the concept that “Guidance is for ALL students” and that the guidance counselor is concerned with every student. It will eliminate the wrong notion that students who are called to the guidance office are only those who have problems.
Counseling Procedures May Include:
As required by both laws and ethics of professional practice, all communication between the client and client is confidential. Once a student is a client at the Guidance and Counseling Center, the counselor cannot discuss the particulars of his/her situation, or even acknowledge the fact that counseling is being provided without the consent of the client.
The orientation service is designed to facilitate the integration of newly admitted first year and transferee students into the new school or college. The orientation activities will help them to understand the nature of the school or college as well as the educational opportunities available.
The information service focuses on the delivery of relevant and up-to-date information to students, faculty, administrators and parents. The topics covered are social, personal, career, academic, social, spiritual and other issues which are relevant components of the educational process.
The orientation and information service is carried out in coordination with the Office of the Student Services and Development.
The individual inventory service is the developmental and longitudinal process of collecting, recording and utilizing information about individual students for the purpose of helping them through counseling, monitoring and follow-up. The information about the individual student are collected by the counselor through the help of the teachers and significant others like the parents and school personnel.
Data collected in the Individual Inventory will help the counselor, teachers, parents and administrators in discovering and providing the kind of environment needed to reinforce and support the holistic growth and development of students. Moreover, analysis of the individual inventory data can significantly contribute to individual analysis of the essential attributes of the student which makes him a unique individual.
It is very important that records will be kept in a place very much accessible to the counselor every time he or she would need to refer to it before, on or after counseling session. Confidentiality of these information means that the data will only be used by authorized persons for the benefit or advantage of the student.
Tests are used to secure accurate and reliable information about each student’s abilities, aptitudes, interests and personal characteristics in order to assist them in self-understanding. By understanding each student’s’ strengths and weaknesses the counselor can provide rational and wise assistance to the individual.
Administrators can use test results to help them make decisions in over-all educational planning. Psychological measurements can be used for curriculum emphasis, identification of the student’s’ needs, clarification of educational objectives and areas of supervision Tests can help identify instructional areas that need modification and identify needed materials and facilities.
This service is specifically designed to assist students in career planning and make choices and be prepared for future service in the chosen career. They are given tests to help them learn about their interests, values, skills and personality type. They are assisted to explore occupations that are most suitable based on that information and then ultimately teach them how to decide which one is the best choice.
There are three types of placement:
Activities in the placement service
Follow-up refers to a formal and systematic monitoring of the individual progress of students who have undergone academic advising, counseling, referral, or any intervention program.
Activities for Follow-up Service